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Dubai unified licence number Services

Price on request

Dubai unified licence number and QR code is issued to businesses in Dubai with licences from mainland and free zone authorities.

About Dubai Unified Licence

DUL makes doing business easier and faster by providing a digital, trusted, single source of information for the general public, suppliers, and service providers to view licence details of businesses operating in Dubai, across the mainland, and in free zones.

Digital, trusted and unified source of information

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Frequently asked questions

The Dubai Unified Licence (DUL) is a project that provides a unique identification number for all existing and newly opened businesses in Dubai with mainland and free zone licenses. As per Law No. 6 of 2023, all businesses registered and licensed in Dubai will receive a DUL. This will be gradually rolled out in stages. At the moment, your DUL and QR code will serve as a unified business identity. However, these will soon be mandatory for government entities and service providers such as telecommunications, utilities, and banks.

DUL will launch in Q1 2023 and will be rolled out in multiple stages. All licensed businesses will be issued a DUL and an associated QR code.

You will know if you are among these businesses as you will receive an email and SMS with your DUL and a unique page link to access and download your QR code.

DULs will be issued to all remaining companies in subsequent phases.

The DUL streamlines and improves the process of doing business by providing a single source of trusted, digital information for the general public, suppliers and service providers, allowing them to view licence details for mainland and free zone businesses. This means that anyone can use the DUL portal to search and retrieve data from any business in Dubai. Each business will also receive a QR code that can be scanned to retrieve the latest licence information.

In a later stage, businesses can use their DUL to acquire services from government and private entities in a quicker and more streamlined manner. Access to verified DUL data in a single repository means business verification would take less time and effort in customer-business, business-business or business-government interactions.

With a DUL, businesses will be able to maintain the latest contact details of license members through a unified portal.