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Thriving business community

Unlock Global Opportunities: Your Thriving business community

Investment potential for business

Dubai has proven a solid proposition for investors and companies through a robust legal structure, pro-business regulatory environment, and strong corporate governance. Its laws and regulations are transparent, agile and designed to preserve the rights of organisations and individuals.
What’s more, Dubai’s global trade continues to boom.

Free Zones

Dubai’s trade-friendly environment pioneered free zones have 100% foreign ownership, tax-free policies, low-cost set up and renewal structures. This has led to businesses of all sizes, from publicly listed entities to start-ups, attempting to capitalise on Dubai’s strategic position as the gateway to economies across Europe, Middle East, Africa and South Asia.

Ease of doing business

The UAE is the leading country in the Arab world in ‘Ease of Doing Business’, according to the World Bank’s latest rankings. Dubai was ranked 8th in the February 2020 Global Financial Centres Index, and 6th worldwide in terms of reputation.

This reflects not just ease of setting up, but its established trade and industry networks and multi-sectoral efforts that have been made to increase efficiency.

US$ 330 billion Non-oil trade

Dubai’s external non-oil trade in 2018 is valued at around a third of a trillion dollars.

30+ Free zones

Dubai is home to more than 30 free zones

US$145 billion Trade in free zones

The city’s free trade zones account for almost US$145 billion.

Initiatives for success

Smart Dubai Office has launched over 130 initiatives in partnership with government and private sector entities. Some key initiatives include the Dubai Data Initiative, the Dubai Blockchain Strategy, the Happiness Agenda, the Dubai A.I. Roadmap and the Dubai Paperless Strategy, which are all aimed at making business more efficient, effective and less time intensive.

Smartest city in 2021

Dubai has an ambitious goal to be the world’s smartest city by 2021. And savvy businesses realise the region has become an international magnet for tech-based businesses. According to the latest Smart Cities Index, Dubai is now one of the world’s top five cities using tech to improve residents’ lives.

AI and IoT

The emirate is leveraging emerging technologies and initiatives such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) to make business more personalised, seamless, and impactful.

The future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it and execute it. Dubai is built for business within a safe and secure environment that continues to bring companies from all continents to its shores.

Powered by tomorrow’s thinking

A spirit of creativity and innovation can be found across every sector of Dubai’s diversified economy. It allows the city to embrace new ideas and adopt technologies in support of its strategy to build an improved and sustainable blueprint for modern cities. Its agile regulatory framework allows it to be continually looking forward. These factors combined, continue to build an environment where creators and innovators are inspired and enabled.

Global hub for business growth

Dubai is building smart, hyper-connected infrastructure to help drive the innovation agenda and ensure Dubai delivers sustained growth, resilient to global volatilities. Backed by committed investment in key growth sectors and smart city development, Dubai seeks to consistently be ranked in the top five global centres for trade, logistics, tourism and finance.

Frequently asked questions

Dubai’s strategic location, world-class infrastructure, business-friendly policies, tax incentives, and diverse talent pool make it an ideal destination for businesses seeking growth opportunities in the Middle East.

Dubai offers streamlined processes for setting up businesses, including free zones tailored to specific industries, which facilitate foreign ownership and provide 100% repatriation of profits. Additionally, the city boasts modern transportation networks and an international airport, ensuring easy accessibility for investors and entrepreneurs worldwide.

Dubai’s economy is diversified across various sectors, with key industries including tourism, real estate, finance, logistics, technology, and healthcare. The city’s proactive approach to innovation and investment in emerging sectors such as renewable energy and artificial intelligence further enhances its appeal to businesses.

Dubai offers a supportive ecosystem for startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through initiatives such as Dubai SME, which provides funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Additionally, the city hosts numerous incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.